Relaxis a la seva Vil·la amb piscina privada
Sobre nosaltres
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava #1
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava #2
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava #3
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava #4
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava #5
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava #6


    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava image-1
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava image-2
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava image-3
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava image-4
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava image-5
    Villa Machi,Estartit,Costa Brava image-6

    Holiday home Estartit Costa Brava Villa Spain for rent Machi

    Beautiful villa with private swimming pool, garden ideal for summer holidays





    Your holiday villa near Estartit

    Machi is situated on a quiet street with destination traffic. You can park your car safely on private property. Machi is situated in a quiet urbanisation. The distance to the beach is 12000 meters. Machi is situated on street level. The entrance is on the first floor. You reach the entrance through short stairs downstairs. Machi is a fully detached villa with a private swimming pool. The interior of Machi is modern spanish and functional. The inside is light with a nice atmosphere. Machi disposes of a a nice view the surrounding forests. You have to your disposal a designed garden. You find the swimming pool at the backside of your villa. You reach the swimming pool through the terrace . Here you can fully enjoy the Spanish sun and outdoor life. This holdiay residence is very suitable for groups of youngsters because of the big personal space.

    The surroundings of your villa

    Costa Brava, with it's length of about 100 km, runs from Blanes to Port Bou near the French border. This makes the Costa Brava a very popular holiday destination for tourist who travel by car. In the South of the Costa Brava you will find the La Selva district, between the town of Blanes and Tossa de Mar. All Club Villamar villas are situated in this district. The Romans too knew that your days are best spend at the 'Rough Coast'. In the several fisherman villages you will find remains of this period, with the burrow of Tossa de Mar as a jewel on the crown. The kindness of the climate ( in winter the temperatures rarely drops below zero degrees and well is well above 30 degres in the summer), make it possible to enjoy this extraordinarily beautiful rugged coastline and the several sandy beaches year round. Together with the hearthwarming character of the local populace, the rich historical past, the lovely green hills and the varied exquisite kitchen makes the Costa Brava a holiday region which has a lot going for itself. Drawn by these riches, many famous artist have found serenity and peace at this Spanish part of coast.

    s’accepten grups de joves en aquesta villa
    malauradament no s’accepten animals de companyia en aquesta villa


    Dormitori 1: 1x Llit doble
    Dormitori 2: 1x Llit doble
    Dormitori 3: 1x Llit doble
    Dormitori 4: 1x Llit doble


    Bany 1: Dutxa, Pica, Lavabo
    Bany 2: Dutxa, Pica, Lavabo

    Instal·lacions i serveis

    • sala de firness
    • Aire condicionat
    Al voltant de la casa
    • garatge
    • terrasa
    • jardí
    • cuina de quatre focs
    • forn
    • microones
    • nevera
    • congelador
    • rentavaixelles
    • rentadora
    • Tv per cable

    Hores d’arribada i sortida

    Arribada: Des de 15:00 abans 18:00
    Sortida: Abans: 10:00



    • Platja més propera: 12 km
    • Botiga més propera: 1000 m
    • Vida nocturna més propera: 12 km
    • Restaurants més propers: 500 m


    • Girona:60 km
    • Barcelona:150 km


    Serveis obligatoris

    Security deposit: 217,76 USD , A pagar a l’arribada

    Serveis opcionals

    Neteja 49,00 USD , A pagar a l’arribada
    Tovalloles 4,36 USD per persona , A pagar a l’arribada
    Llit infantil 6,53 USD per dia , A pagar a l’arribada
    Cadira alta 3,27 USD per dia , A pagar a l’arribada
    Fons de cancel·lació : 6.80% De la quantitat total

    Més informació

    Si vols saber més sobre com reservar una villa o si tens altres preguntes que no pots resoldre, contacta’ns si us plau per telèfon +34 931 815 637 o per correu electrònic (sempre responem en 24h, però la majoria de vegades fins i tot més ràpidament). Els nostres treballadors respondran les teves preguntes el més aviat possible. Si no ens pots contactar per telèfon (de vegades les línies estan ocupades), segueix intentant-ho, si us plau.